Natural ingredients from Amazon Forest
The perfume and cosmetics industries are increasingly seeking to create unique and original compositions to provide a distinct olfactory experience to their consumers. Furthermore, they are more aware of the importance of selecting natural ingredients extracted ethically and sustainably, which demonstrates responsibility towards the environment.
For this reason, the Amazon rainforest holds great value for these industrial sectors. The world’s most biodiverse forest houses an enormous variety of plants and trees with unique aromatic and therapeutic properties.
However, finding quality, availability and traceability while sourcing ingredients from the Amazon can be challenging. Before choosing a partner, it is important to consider criteria ranging from the extraction methods to good manufacturing practices and principles of environmental conservation and ethical governance.
In this content, we will present 4 points that deserve attention when choosing your ingredients and are integral to Kaapi’s DNA!
Discover 4 Distinctive Features of Kaapi – and Its Ingredients
1. Stringent Quality Control
Kaapi’s quality control occurs in multiple stages. Once the raw material is collected from the forest, an on-site test is conducted as the first quality check. When it arrives at the company’s premises, further tests are performed to understand the individual content of each drum of oil or bag of botanicals.
The next step involves selecting content from different drums to create a batch that meets the quality specified by the customer. Initially, a lab-scale composition of the drums is created based on quality parameters identified in previous analyses. A sample is collected and subjected to further analysis. If the quality is approved, an industrial-scale batch is prepared. If not, a new drum selection begins, and the process repeats until the required standard is achieved.
Lots are prepared according to each customer’s technical specifications, and the submitted sample represents batches that can reach up to 4500 kg of essential oil.
We understand the importance of ingredients origin and purity to ensure authenticity and quality. Hence, Kaapi is extremely meticulous in every step of its processes to provide security and reliability in business relationships.
2. Sustainability and Forest Conservation
Natural ingredients from renewable sources and proper extraction methods contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of the forest. By valuing and promoting responsible use of the Amazon’s natural resources, establishing partnerships with local suppliers and cooperatives, we help preserve biodiversity and benefit local communities.
Kaapi adopts collection and extraction practices that minimize environmental impact, ensures proper waste disposal and guarantees proper working conditions and fair payment for local suppliers.
Furthermore, we also promote transparency regarding the origin of Amazonian ingredients. All of Kaapi’s portfolio are in compliance with environmental and trade regulations, both nationally and internationally. Collaboration with certification initiatives helps ensure the traceability and sustainability of the ingredients.
3. International Endorsement
Kaapi Ingredients is a member of UEBT (Union for Ethical BioTrade), an organization that promotes supply chains that regenerate nature and seek to ensure a better future for people by means of the ethical supply of biodiversity ingredients.
The international endorsement signifies public recognition of our commitment to a sustainable production chain in Brazil. Being a member of UEBT means that our ingredients are extracted and traded ethically, protecting the environment, the biological diversity and creating income opportunities for local communities.
4. Investment in Innovation

Born in one of the world’s most biodiverse countries, Kaapi invests in research, development, and partnerships to uncover the numerous secrets hidden within Brazil’s five national biomes. We seek new raw materials that bring originality and inspiration to perfumers worldwide.
Amazongrass is one good example. A unique, special, and exclusive ingredient from Kaapi, it boasts delicate citrus notes combined with floral and refreshing facets.
We understand that distinct ingredients empower perfumers to explore their creativity and innovation. Hence, we maintain a constant pursuit of new olfactory experiences to present to the market. For the cosmetics industry, it’s an opportunity to access new actives and aromas.
Are you seeking a partner that offers high-quality, ethical Brazilian ingredients, bringing uniqueness to your products and ensuring commitment to the environment?